Phenapindupama Sutta

Form is like a lump of foam; feeling is like a bubble; perception seems like a mirage; choices like a banana tree; and consciousness like a magic trick: so taught the kinsman of the Sun.

However you contemplate them, examining them carefully, they're void and hollow when you look at them closely.

Concerning this body, he of vast wisdom has taught that when three things are given up, you'll see this form discarded.

Vitality, warmth, and consciousness: when they leave the body, it lies there tossed aside, food for others, mindless.

Such is this process, this illusion, this lament of fools. It's said to be a killer, for no substance is found here.

An energetic mendicant should examine the aggregates like this, with situational awareness and mindfullness whether by day or by night.

They should give up all yoking, and should make a refuge for themselves. They should live as though their head was on fire, aspiring to the imperishable state.

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